Eye Exercises and ViEye Exercises and Vision Therapy in Brampton and Mississauga

Eye Exam Discovers Brain Tumor, Saving a Woman's Life

Do you have lazy or crossed eyes, an eye that drifts outward or inward, or trouble with depth perception? Then specifically designed eye exercises from your Mississauga and Brampton eye specialists may be beneficial!

Eye Exercises to Reduce Anxiety and Improve Vision 

 Effective eye exercises can improve your vision by increasing the link between your brain and your eyes, strengthening your eye muscles, and assisting you in focusing. Your eye doctor will prescribe exercise based on several factors, including age and the conditions being addressed.

CTA 1: Dealing with a double or blurry vision all day ? Speak with our Brampton-area opticians to find out if the appropriate glasses or contacts can help!

Here are some workouts that your optometrist may recommend:

Both near and far: If you use spectacles, remove them and raise your thumbs. One thumb should be in close proximity to your face, while the other should be further away. Start focusing on the near thumb, then the one further away, something across the room, like a mug or a pencil, and lastly something far away, like a car parked outside, changing focus every 2 seconds.

Blink break: Research shows that we blink significantly less on digital screens like computers or TVs. If your eyes start to feel dry or you start to feel a headache coming on, take a break from your screen for a few minutes and try to blink.

The 20-20-20 rule: Set a timer while you’re on screens. Look away from your screen for at least 20 seconds every 20 minutes and focus on anything 20 feet away. This will give your eyes a chance to “reset” before returning to the demanding task of digital screen usage.

Vision Therapy in Brampton and Mississauga

The above exercises are often great for relieving symptoms but won’t address the underlying causes. Look away from your screen for at least 20 seconds every 20 minutes and focus on anything 20 feet away.

CTA 2: Time for your yearly eye exam? Please stop by our eye clinic today to experience advanced eye care and an eye exam second to none!

Vision therapy is a special in-office and at-home eye exercise tailored to your visual needs. These exercises aim to address underlying issues with the connection and communication between your eyes and brain. Your eye doctor may augment your vision therapy exercises with tools such as specialized computer software, prism lenses, and Wolff wands, depending on your needs.

Do you want to learn more about how eye exercises and vision therapy can reduce anxiety and help you see more clearly and comfortably? Westpoint Optical has eye physicians in Brampton and Mississauga.


Can vision therapy help with dyslexia?

Vision therapy alone is insufficient to treat dyslexia. However, as part of a larger interdisciplinary approach to treatment, it can be an important aspect of improving your child’s visual processing and efficiency. Your eye doctor may prescribe specialized lenses or prisms to help with dyslexia vision treatment.

Is vision therapy effective for adults?

Though the ideal age for vision therapy is usually considered somewhere between 8 to 10 years old, vision therapy can still be quite effective in treating adults for visual skill deficiencies such as convergence/divergence insufficiency and eye teaming or visual tracking problems.